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'The future of the EU' conference: Session on 'Can the Brexit circle be squared?' (Part 2)
Keynote speech by Michel Barnier & session on 'Can the Brexit circle be squared?' (Part 1)
'The future of the EU' conference: Session on 'Who should govern the euro?'
'The future of the EU' conference: Session on 'EU security in the age of Trump and Putin'
'The future of the EU' conference: Session on 'The EU in the age of mass migration'
Session 4: From Enlargement to Brexit: The Future of the European Union (Summit
Opening of the COSAC meeting / Session I: The future of the European Union
A softer Brexit is a better Brexit
The Law & Politics of Brexit Conference 5: The Trade and Cooperation Agreement - 29 Sept 2023
Brexit and the forces shaping the future of the EU with former EC Secretary General, Catherine Day
The Framework of New EU UK Relations: The Prospects
The Future of Europe: From Conference to Convention?